Monday 20 December 2010

If you dream deep enough...

When I stop to think what this year has meant to me, writing-wise, what jumps out at me is that its been a year of milestones achieved and dreams coming true. I can recall the sense of determination, when I began my first class on the MA in Creative Writing two years ago, with which I wanted so badly to have Hanif Kureishi as my tutor at the end of the two years, when I had to write up my final collection. Instead in May 2010, my allocated tutor turned out to be an unimaginable 100 times better - his editor from Faber and Faber. My first deep insight into how publishers think, breathe and behave. In July, I got to read out aloud, for the first time to a UK public, an unpublished work in progress from my short story collection. In September, I submitted a 15,000 word chunk of my 'Ghost stories from Goa' along with a 3000 word critical essay, as my Master's thesis. In October I had my first travel article published by no less than the Times of India and they've just accepted a second from me, to be published in 2011. I also managed to get the first 15,000 words of my second book written up this year. And all of this, while in full-time employment in a demanding job that I love and am thoroughly grateful for.

So, don't ever tell me dreams aren't possible. I'm living proof that everything is possible - if you dream deep enough.

1 comment:

alisha said...

Awesome work on all your writing achievements this year! I'll be sending you a proper email soon. :)